Monday, June 29, 2015

The Benefits of Watson Analytics - or How I Improved my Golf Game

OK, so I've been going on about Watson Watson, or alternatively Watson Artificial Intelligence.  I haven't talked deeply on the use of Watson Analytics.

Watson Analytics (WA) is new to the product portfolio, but is poised to be the most important in my humble opinion.  You'll see why here in a moment, but a quick rundown first.

WA is three products in one, and makes sense of event the biggest problems where data is available, but analysis is difficult.  WA is incredible at helping to understand your business problem through data, find predictors of future events, and then tell a story around these findings.

I play golf.       A.  Lot.  Of.  Golf.     Every weekend I can be found banging balls at my golf club, complete with dreams of winning tournaments.  But alas, I never win.  Typically I come in at the bottom of the golf flight.  Sometimes I come out of the gate pretty hot, but I always find a way to "snatch defeat from the jaws of victory."

Ben Hogan said "the key to golf is in the dirt", ie, hitting lots and lots of golf balls.  Because I have taken this adage to heart, I have kept my scores along with my statistics for a while, and being the data geek that I am, turned to WA to see what it told me.  This picture tells the story, straight from WA:
Watson Analytics analysis of my golf game

What WA helped me determine, was that I needed to work on getting my driver in the fairway more, and to reduce the number of putts.  This seems obvious to the casual observer, but it help me to identify and focus myself on the correct practice routine. I took the answers WA gave me, set up a practice regimen to focus on improving my driver accuracy and putting effectiveness.  Am I ready for the PGA tour now?  No, but lets have a look at my latest tournament scores.  You might have to squint, but you can see the tournament ranking in red in the picture below:

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